Far South CDC will lead a Corridor Master Plan for Special Service Area #45, which consists of 32 blocks along South Halsted.
Far South CDC will lead a Corridor Master Plan for Special Service Area #45, which consists of 32 blocks along South Halsted.
Funded through The Chicago Community Trust, Far South CDC will lead a comprehensive plan for 103rd Street.
In partnership with Center for Neighborhood Technology, Far South CDC will assist in the development of ETOD Plan for 95th Street.
The Plan is an effort to create a guide for future development in communities located near the RLE project area.
Far South CDC and Teska Associates will develop a housing infill plan for the Major Taylor Trail area from 104th to 125th.
In partnership with the Roseland Medical District (RMD) Commission, Far South CDC is assisting in developing a Master Plan for RMD.
In a year-long study, Far South CDC and the Lamar Johnson Collaborative are working to develop an intersection plan for 107th/Halsted.
With close access to Interstate 57, Far South CDC is seeking to transform 99th/Halsted into a thriving entertainment district.
In partnership with CMAP and Teska Associates, Far South CDC developed a corridor plan for 119th Street for light industrial.
Far South Community Development Corporation
853 West 115th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60643